Lake Norman Business Directory
A directory of companies located near Lake Norman
List of Lake Norman businesses. Shop locally and help support your LKN neighbors.
Looking for a business in the Lake Norman area? Our business directory is a great place to start!
We strive to help businesses around NC's Lake Norman area.
Our Lake Norman business directory will help you find companies, breweries, restaurants, lake activities, hotels, and more!
Lake Norman business directory (by nearest town)
Lake Norman is under 30 minutes from Charlotte and is the perfect day trip, shopping destination, or weekend escape.
Lake Norman Area Breweries
BrickTree Brewing Co.
Lincolnton, NC
Lake Norman Brewery
Denver, NC
Royal Bliss Brewing Co.
Denver, NC
Hoptown Brewing Company
Mooresville, NC
King Canary Brewing
Mooresville, NC
Jolly Roger Brewery
Mooresville, NC
Lost Worlds Brewing Company
Cornelius, NC
Eleven Lakes Brewing Company
Cornelius, NC
Brew and Feed Brewing at the Beer Lab
Mooresville, NC
D9 Brewing Lake Norman
Cornelius, NC
Ass Clown Brewing Company
Cornelius, NC
Primal Brewery Huntersville
Huntersville, NC
Red Buffalo Brewing Co.
Statesville, NC