About Our Directory
A searchable directory for NC-based companies
NC Biz List is a place to help you find companies and businesses throughout North Carolina. Shop in NC and help us boost our local economy.
About NC Biz List
Our mission is to help support locally run companies throughout North Carolina. We recognize that small businesses are the lifeblood of the NC economy. Keeping money in our neighborhoods by shopping locally will help ensure a thriving small business community.
We gladly accept directory listings for legitimate businesses owned and operated within the State of North Carolina.
Business owners, please submit your request for a business listing here. All NC Biz List directory submissions are human-reviewed for accuracy. Please wait 2-3 days for approved listings to appear in our directory.
Thank you for your support!
— The NC Biz List Team
We also manage the following web properties. For site-specific inquiries, please follow the links below:
Freedom-Tees - Patriotic t-shirts made in the USA.
NY Biz List - Directory of New York businesses.
Telecom Directory - List of telecom channel partners.
Throw Your Flag - Interactive game played while watching football on TV.
Patrick's Pork - Simple to follow, smoked pork recipes for backyard-grilling enthusiasts.
USA Freedom List - Directory of patriotic, freedom-loving companies.